FEP AO project

my experience when FEP


my orientation date is on 18th august 2015 – 22nd august 2015

I like the orientation in Binus because the BC ( Buddy Coordinator) were very friendly with us. In GO we could met a new friends.

on the first day 18th August 2015, we just played around and asked some friends name. On the second day 19th August 2015, we heard about the rules in binus. on the third day 20th August 2015, we walked around binus with our BC to know the place in Binus University. On the forth day 21st August 2015 we all gathered in one place call auditorium. in auditorium there was some promotion from many extracurricular. and on the last day 22nd August 2015, there was an event called expo. in expo we could join and register so  many extracurricular.


on 7th September 2015 until 18th September 2015, i started the class called AO. In AO we practice and learn about information technology for example coding and algorithm. The teacher was a laboratory assistant. AO was like College. but there was no score in AO we just got some point. but in the last day of AO we had a test.


HTTP (Himti Togetherness and top performance) is an event that the Information technology community made. It was an event that made special for IT. if you want to join you must pay Rp150.000. but you can get E certificate, lunch,merchandise,new friends,goodie bag, and door prize. HTTP was held in BPPT II Building. There was a bus to go to the HTTP for free.

on the beginning of the event there was a showcase that we could see what the senior made. then we entered the auditorium then they greeted us. after that we watched a film like cartoon thing. in lunch time we could eat outside the auditorium while seeing some booth stand in there. and then there was a talk show from the senior who graduate from binus. in the end  of event there was a music.

Organizations skill

its a organization to improve our skill. binus has so many organization. example BNCC, Klifonara, BNEC, and organization to sing, band, sport like basketball, soccer, table tennis and there are some organization to learn about religion. students must choose at least 1 of those organisation to collect some point.

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